Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm Your Valentine

For the month of February, I'll review and polish your resume for free. It's my Valentine to you all! (If I get swamped, preference will be given to those with upcoming interviews, according to their scheduled date!)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Dark Angel ~ The White Knight and The Coolest Hand

Goldie Hawn Doesn't Need My Hug...

...Yet, when someone that I have always adored, like Goldie Hawn is just as moved as I am for the same reasons…I want to hug her. Even now, thinking of the pain she was feeling at the moment when she had to announce that Heath Ledger had won the BAFTA for Best Supporting Actor, at that moment, her pain…not my own, makes me want to go and give Goldie Hawn a hug....

During the BAFTA's, the other night, I couldn't help but cry in such sorrow that Heath Ledger had to win his Best Supporting Actor award, for the Dark Knight, posthumously. What really got me, was the way Goldie Hawn's voice cracked when she said his name. She still has that, sweet, freshly washed voice she's had since before the days of, " Private Benjamin" or even, "Laugh In." As she said his last name, "Ledger" came out as a painfully, happy whisper that forced its way over swallowed tears. Then, when she introduced the man who would be accepting the award, Producer Charles Roven…she almost couldn't say his name either. I don't know if she had ever met Heath, or worked with him but she obviously feels the way I do…they way so many of us do. He was so talented and there was so much that he had not yet unwrapped to let us see…the bleeding wound of our communal heart was reopened. He was always my favorite actor when I was watching one of his movies. It was then, that I would believe I could never feel the loyalty toward any other actor that I did for him at that moment. That's his power. He makes you watch him, lost in the life of the person he has become. From a priest who becomes a sin-eating, Angel of Death, to an ersatz Knight who finds the royal inner strength and will to make those around him better than they are. And that's what makes, Heath so unique…he really does bring out the best in those around him. Without pointing fingers, look at some of the partners with whom he has acted…up until the time they stood across from Heath, had they ever given so magnificent of a performance in their careers? Some never did again, or have yet to reach that height and are still working to find it. Like a high chased by a junkie…to have felt it once, is to crave it again forever. When the BAFTA's returned from commercial, directly after Heath's award, they gave a salute to those whom had passed away this last year. What a year of remarkable people…gone! And this wasn't even the year that Heath died. The last actor of the clips was the greatest. The hottest cat, the coolest hand...Paul Newman. The only other person who makes me agonize that the world has lost him. I was devastated when he died. Especially because I don't think his death received the immediate respect and attention that Paul Newman deserved. Our two candidates had just held a debate, and that was the top priority of talk and news. I understand that. I get it. But when one of the greatest humanitarians of all time, certainly of OUR time passes away AND he happens to be one of the most talented actors to ever grace the screen, AND he happens to have never once had a whisper of scandal around his loving fifty year marriage to his sweetheart…that deserves the trumpets of angels. Knowing that the bluest eyes…the eyes of an angel, will never look into the camera again, and smile that wickedly, innocent, handsome, grin…or the smile that breaks into his laughter…it's painful. His whole face, so beautiful and perfect…flashing white, lipid blue, the tannest skin; the man was a vocabulary of color on screen. I can't even get through a full sentence now, without stopping to weep. Still, this loss – so great it is, affects me this deeply. That's what these people do…these actors. We let them into our hearts so much so, that we feel as though we have a right to be a part of their lives. Isn't that part of the whole "stalker" psychology? Stalkers can't differentiate between the characters, the tabloids, the interviews and the real person's private life. We don't have a right to their private lives, but because they are "so popular," we end up with a glimpse inside anyway. It's when they're gone that we realize we really didn't know them at all. There was so much that we'll never learn, see, or understand about them because they weren't our friend. Yet, when someone that I have always adored, like Goldie Hawn is just as moved as I am for the same reasons…I want to hug her. Even now, thinking of the pain she was feeling at the moment when she had to announce that Heath Ledger had won the BAFTA for Best Supporting Actor, at that moment, her pain…not my own, makes me want to go and give Goldie Hawn a hug. But she doesn't need my hug. She has Kurt, Kate, Oliver, Wyatt, Ryder and many other loved ones and many other pairs of arms open to her. But I imagine, out of all the loved ones and arms that could embrace her at that moment, the one she wanted more than anything, to hug – was Heath Ledger.