Thursday, May 21, 2009

90210 Season Finale

This week and last week have been a number of season finales. Tuesday night was the season finale for 90210. So, if you've DVR'd it to watch later, stop reading unless you want to know what's going to happen. This is what you call a *SPOILER ALERT!*
90210 ~ Well, my goodness…didn't Jen turn out to be Naomi's evil sister? Jen betrayed her sister for so little a thing as throwing a party and obviously, for throwing in her face the fact that Naomi is paying for everything. The way she lied to Liam and then used him to hurt Naomi is really going to have to come back and bite her somehow. If the writers and producers don't let that happen, their audience will never forgive them.
Rumors are that Ethan will not be returning next season, so some people are guessing that whatever Annie hit with her car will be Ethan. Or they think it will be Liam because he's getting sent off to military school and maybe he was able to run away. Anyway, there is a big question of who was in the older model Mercedes with the WBHS sticker on the back? Whomever it was will have witnessed Annie's hit and run, they'll either report it, or use it to blackmail her. Or another scenario is always the "guilt them into turning themselves in" where someone like Kelly Taylor maybe saw her (after dropping off her stoned parents), and it will turn out whatever was in the road had been there for hours and was either dead or needing help. Kelly (or whomever) will constantly drop hints and give looks directly into Annie's eyes that will eventually make her crack and admit what she'd done. That's just a guess.
Dixon and Silver are a big, wide yawning gap in the story line. The writers need to seal this off and move one. The audience has grown tired of the back and forth with the two of them and regardless of whether or not Dixon and Silver love each other, it's time to let it go. She should leave town with Ethan or something. Maybe that was him in the road, and because of his death, she'll realize she had feelings for him, and she'll be so confused that she will turn into a convent bound freak like the one at her Catholic school, who wanted to fast on her behalf.
If Kelly Taylor develops a crush on Harry and it causes a rift between him and Debby, it will be very obvious that it's merely a ploy to rock a boat on calm waters. Writers: Don't go there. Come up with something else. You've already done the "he has a kid with someone else, her job is too demanding, and your mother is driving me crazy" issues between them. Be more original. The audience of this show is geared more toward a teen demo, but they can handle something a bit deeper than a crush on Dad that gets Mom angry.
As for Navid and Adrianna, they're a sweet couple and she needs to be strong enough to move on from her decision to give up the baby. Strong enough to stay clean and stay with Navid. Just let them be the typical, happy high school couple for a little while. They can be the teen image of Debby and Harry. You can always mess them up later with what his father does for a living…perhaps Navid meets a woman that is too innocent for that business and falls for her. Maybe the sorority sister he met in the bar will have fallen into "the biz" and he'll get her out of it, thus causing a rift between him and Adrianna.
That's it for this season! That's the last of my ideas the writers' get for free, too!

This post was originally written for my work blog for DIRECTV.

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